Sunday, 19 June 2011

St Clair (with a C and no E)

Day Trip 2

We went on a double decker again. This time we had to sit downstairs because Abe is a monkey boy. He was still a pain. We went to see Karin (who works with Dad) and her family. She had an actual forest in her garden and a hammok and a big dog called Oslo, we had burgers from the grill.


We walk over this bridge to get to the super market. The other day it was up, the whole bridge where the cars go - just up in the air so a tall boat could get down the river.


A blimp flew really close to the balcony, it had a TV screen on one side.

This week we started school

We walk through the park to get there. I don't like school in Chicago. I can't believe I have to go every day. I like school in England more. Here - I have to eat their lunch and they don't even have real bread. It's rubbish, I have to learn Spanish and I can't even dress up when I want. We're only allowed to 'play' in the afternoons. I can hear Abe crying in the next room the whole time - he hates it more than me. I'm not going anymore.

He's Back.

We got Batman back. Dad says it was the power of advertising, 
but the lady who had him hadn't even seen our cool poster.

Friday, 10 June 2011

Daaaad, stop it. I'm trying to watch 'Phineas and Ferb'

My new plane


Batman & Robin in a helicopter

Abola Babola - The Monkey Boy



Shouting, with a beard

Grandpa Ron

More wet play

Greco Roman

there was a huge storm with thunder and lightening which was very exciting to watch from so high up, it lasted a long time - so we 'played' inside

Only 14 days to go

there are posters of all the characters on all the bus stops.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Day Trip

If you sit at the front of the train in Chicago, you can see passed the driver through his windscreen. You get a brilliant view.